how to create the perfect stocking / for her

i don't know about you, but stockings have always been my favorite part of christmas. i'm not sure what it is about them that makes me so happy, but they do. the best things come in small packages right? and stockings are full of small packages. i know everyone does stockings/christmas morning differently. for us, we all had to wait to go down together. we would go down and see the bigger present that santa left out for us, and then could open the stockings all at the same time. most of the gifts in the stocking would be wrapped, which made opening them that much more fun. then we would show everyone what we got, and proceed youngest to oldest to open the rest of the presents. 

our stockings were where the money was at. we always got the best stuff in them. i love them so much that i have even made the deal with jarman that on top of christmas presents we would get each other filled stockings, in addition to the ones from our families. we really like to spoil ourselves. jarman pulled out the big guns last year and had my entire stocking filled with stuff from anthro, it's gonna be a tough act to beat. here is the way that i think stockings should be filled.

1. Winter Accessories- Scarf ($39.95) i love the instant gratification of the getting something in the stocking and being able to wear it through the rest of the present opening. it could be a scarf (like this adorable pink fur), a hat, gloves, etc. it'll keep you warm on christmas morning and throughout the winter.

2. Candy- See's Candies (around $17.50) stockings should always be filled with candies. we almost always got see's candies, and would hide them from each other and eat them slowly over the next few weeks. hoarders to say the least. any kind of candy will do though. actually, any kind of chocolate.

3. Jewelry- Earrings ($38) this is another must. small packages usually means jewelry. jewelry always means happiness.

4. Make-up- Mac Holiday Lipstick Set ($39.50) for some reason i feel like make-up is an obvious thing to put in stockings because we almost always get the new mac sets. it should be a fun item- like glitter or gold eyeliner though, just to make it super holiday appropriate.

5. Socks or Undies- JCrew Socks ($16.50) for some reason almost every year we get underwear in our stockings. then when my dad was videoing us asking us what we got, we would get really awkward and embarrassed and he would always say something about it to make us blush even more. it's kind of a tradition. socks are fun too though.

6. Books- Italian Phrasebook (7.84) last christmas my mother-in-law got me and my sister-in-law the cutest little french guidebooks and phrasebooks. i think they should be in every stocking. this is a go-to for jarman too.

7. Fun Fillers- Jeweled Keychain Purse ($18) there are so many other fun mini-thing that stockings can be filled with. i love these little keychains.

8. Movies- The Great Gatsby ($19.95) movies are must, and then you should probably have a movie marathon of every movie you got that day. that's pretty much what happens in the carpenter house.