my (extravagent) wish list

somehow i could not make this wish list with all of the items under $100. pathetic/hypocritical right? while all the items i have included on the previous lists are things that i would buy, these are the things that i really want and would indulge in.

1. leather shift dress ($90) i am in love with this dress. enough said.

2. rebecca minkoff quilted purse ($295) i have decided that i want my next purse to be red. and i think this is it.

3. tumblers ($8/each) these cups have been on my list for years. i want every color really.

4. plane tickets- to anywhere. next year we really want to go to japan, san francisco, seattle and portland. oh, and chicago and paris and london. really, we want to go anywhere.

5. sequin pants ($68) or anything with sequins.

6. Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 ($499) i want to replace my kit lens with a new walk around one. i have read really good reviews of this one. and it's much cheaper than the canon ones. 

7. leopard fur coat ($145) ever since i saw this over on a little dash of darling i have been dying for it.

8. toulouse-lautrec canvas ($150) you can never have enough art, right?

9. duvet cover ($119) i think it's time for new bedding. i'm imaging this duvet cover with some bright sheets, and mismatched throw pillows.